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Since becoming a mum I’ve become passionate about sharing with others the importance of living a low tox life, reducing the chemicals in our home and lives to support the health of our children. My other passion project is sharing the information around respectful & conscious parenting. I see the benefits of this first hand with my own girls, and can reflect back and see how other ‘old fashion’ ways of parenting can be detrimental to our emotional wellbeing, mental health, and just in general impact on the person we end up becoming, which may not be ‘our true self’. Anyway, I could keep going on & on, but this is why ‘Wholistic Mothering’ came to be, a space for me to share my learnings and my passions with likeminded mums.

I hope you will join me and continue to learn together on this parenting journey, I mean, I feel like for many of us our kids is a main motivator for ‘doing the work’. Parenting starts with us, and when we do the work it is reflected through the way we live our life.

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